written April 2019
I Two nations. Two accounts. Isaac and Ishmael. Jacob and Esau.
Summer of 69:
“a small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind“
Spring of twenty nineteen:
Bereshit almost lands on the moon. Almost.
It carried with it the account of Genesis in nano size
A small fruit for Eve and her passive aggressive husband,
but a giant fruit addiction for all the descendants of her womb
And did they not labor seven years for it?
Like Jacob did for Rachel? But then Leah bore him
many sons. And the father of the King. Yeah, that Leah who was loved by no one,
no one but God.
II Two witnesses
Spring of twenty nineteen:
Bereshit almost lands on the moon. Almost.
Never comes back. “The people of Israel live“ – a message in nano size
That never reached the moon.
Not like the American flag reached the moon. In the summer of 69.
How blessed a people as such
How blessed a people
That knows their God
III Two journeys
Truly, how blessed a people
That knows their God
Even if they never reach the moon
Even if they crash right into the moon
And get crushed by the moon
Whatever their undertaking, it is always as if
They traveled to the moon and back
For real
Epilogue, only for ardent questioners: And why is that? – In the beginning…
And why is that? Why should it be thus with these people? you ask and I see your eyebrows frowning
Is it because their King
From the line of Leah
Did in deed, truly, in flesh, in blood, in all full blown gravity
Travel to the moon and back?
Once, under a bright and heavy, under a luminous full moon, once and
for all, one Pesach night
That was
– In the beginning, long before Bereshit almost reached the moon, almost
And is, and is to come. And so ever since, ever since eternity past
He who was, in the beginning, and is, and is to come
Has taken His people all along with Him. To the moon and back. For real.